A virtual DIY warehouse for art, music, collaboration. A Temporary Autonomous Zone of the sky

screenshot from Messlife

screenshot from Messlife


Messlife is a virtual DIY artspace in the tradition of warehouse art spaces and alternative venues. Mess.cafe is a free (as in radical) software project, built by Lee Tusman with John Bruneau and help from many others, for purposes of online and IRL hanging, collab'ing and making.

Messlife takes inspiration from the actions and tools of the free software movement, the history of musical collaboration and jamming, and the world of DIY art collectives and warehouse spaces. It encourages a much wider community of artists to take on the principles and systems of these alternative communities.

Messlife maps out a method for pirates, neighbors, thieves, classmates, strangers, friends, provocateurs and comrades to work together in cahoots.

Messlife supports horizontal artistic collaboration over hierarchical systems of exploitation or power.

Messlife supports teamwork, co-creation, and the empowerment of those who may not think they have required skills.

Messlife supports jamming, the quest for utopia and the sublime, and experimentation that may result in failure.

Messlife exists for the artists, but also for the public. Messlife supports presenting artworks online, IRL, in print, and any other way.

At this time Messlife opens for special events only!

More info can be found at Lee's news page.

You can get in touch.